Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Coworking spaces and workplaces of the future: Critical perspectives on community, context and change, European Management Review (2024, with Jennifer Johns, Edward Yates, Greig Charnock, Odul Bozkurt and Derya Ozdemir) pdf

New Cold War or 'World Civil War'? Wertkritik and the Critical Theory of Capitalism in an Age of Conflict, European Journal of Social Theory (2024) pdf

Reopening the debate on Open Marxism: A Radical Historicist alternative? Science & Society (2024, with Christopher Pesterfield) pdf

From the Age of Immanence to the Autonomy of the Political: (Post)operaismo in Theory and Practice. Philosophy & Social Criticism (2024) pdf

Labour process theory and the legacy of operaismo: New directions, old problems. Sociologia del Lavoro (2024, with Paul Thompson) pdf

From Coworking to Competing? Business Models and Strategies of UK Coworking Spaces beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic. Competition & Change (2024, with Ed Yates, Greig Charnock, Jennifer Johns & Odul Bozkurt) pdf

Organising the self-employed: combining community unionism, coworking and cooperativism across contexts. Open Research Europe (2023, with Paolo Borghi and Annalisa Murgia) pdf

Contemporary class composition analysis: The politics of production and the autonomy of the political. Capital & Class (2022) link | pdf

Measuring and Managing Creative Labour: Value Struggles and Billable Hours in the Creative Industries. Organization (2022) link | pdf

Class composition, Labour’s strategy, and the politics of work. The Political Quarterly, (2021, with Paul Thompson, Jo Ingold & Jon Cruddas) link | pdf

Culture Wars and Class Wars: Labour between Post-Corbynism and Johnsonism. Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy (2021, with Paul Thompson, Jon Cruddas & Jo Ingold) link

Labour, Humanism and the Play of Mediation: A Rejoinder. Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society (2021, with Ana Dinerstein) link

A Strategic Left? Starmerism, Pluralism and the Soft-Left. Political Quarterly (2020, with Paul Thompson & Jo Ingold) link | pdf

The Politics of Postcapitalism: Labour and Our Digital Futures. Political Quarterly (2020, with Jon Cruddas) link | pdf

The multitude and the machine: Productivism, populism, posthumanism. Political Quarterly (2020) link | pdf

A Liberal Marxism? Mutual Care, Global Humanity and Minimum Utopia. Political Quarterly (2020) link | pdf

Social Form, Social Reproduction and Social Policy: Basic Income, Basic Services, Basic Infrastructure. Capital & Class (2019, with Lorena Lombardozzi) link | pdf

Sonifying the Quantified Self: Rhythmanalysis and Performance Research In and Against the Reduction of Life-Time to Labour-Time. Capital & Class (2019) link | pdf

Open Science and Open Innovation in Socio-Political Context: Knowledge Production and Societal Impact in an Age of Post-Truth Populism, R&D Management (2019, with Palie Smart, Fiona Lettice, Sara Holmes, Greg Schwartz, Jeremy Zwiegelaar and Steve Evans) link | pdf

Liberalism and critical Marxism: A reply to Glasman and Rutherford. British Politics (2019, with Matt Bolton) link | pdf

From post-work to post-capitalism? Discussing the basic income and struggles for alternative forms of social reproduction. Journal of Labor and Society (2018, with Ana Dinerstein) link | pdf

Corbynism and Blue Labour: post-liberalism and national populism in the British Labour Party. British Politics (2018, with Matt Bolton) link | pdf

Beyond the Fragment: postoperaismo, postcapitalism and Marx’s ‘Notes on machines’, 45 years on. Economy & Society (2018) link | pdf

A Crisis of Measurability? Critiquing Post-Operaismo on Labour, Value and the Basic Income. Capital and Class (2018) link | pdf

Corbynism’s conveyor belt of ideas: Postcapitalism and the politics of social reproduction. Capital and Class (2017, with Ana Dinerstein) link | pdf

Speenhamland, automation and the basic income: A lesson from history? Renewal: A Journal of Social Democracy (2017, with Lorena Lombardozzi and Neil Warner) link | pdf

Always Be Closing: Experiencing and theorizing time and wage in a UK call center. Tamara: Journal of Critical Organization Inquiry (2016) link | pdf

Creative Industries, Value Theory and Michael Heinrich’s New Reading of Marx. tripleC:  Communication, Capitalism and Critique (2015) link | pdf

A hidden history: defining and specifying the role of the creative industries. Creative Industries Journal, (2015) link | pdf

Normalisation, exclusion, commensuration: work, economics and the possibilities of political economy. (2015) link | pdf

Creativity and the Commodity in the Automobile Industry. International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries (2015) link | pdf

Follow the money? Value theory & social inquiry. Ephemera: theory & politics in organization (2014) link | pdf

Precariousness & the ‘end of salarization’ in the informational society. Lo Squaderno (2014) link | pdf

Time crisis: autonomist thought, the immaterial working day and the Dot.Com boom and bust. Sociologia Del Lavoro (2014) link | pdf

Labour-time in the Dot.Com bubble: Marxist approaches. Fast Capitalism (2014) link | pdf

 ‘A science to it’: flexible time and flexible subjectivity in the digital workplace. Work, Organisation, Labour and Globalisation (2013) link | pdf
